
Inuit Art Foundation

Inuit Art Foundation logo

What's north and south and state of the art?

Our new artist database and user interface for the Inuit Art Foundation had to be accessible to users from the populous south to the remote north. The IAF is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the work of Inuit artists across Canada. We created a resource for artists to control their self-presentation and crowd source information otherwise unavailable to them.



  • System and Workflow Architecture
  • Website Design
  • Interface Design


  • Responsive Websites
  • Content Management
  • System Integration
  • Workflow
  • Location Detection
  • Low Band-Width Version
  • Sitefinity

Associated Services

  • Hosting
  • Upgrades & Maintenance
  • Overview
  • Gather
  • Shape
  • Build
  • Engage


Understanding the special needs of artists working in remote communities was essential.
Our first priority was to really listen to IAF representatives before making recommendations and drawing up priorities. In addition to cultural and historically based sensitivities, technical barriers to internet communication in the far north emerged as a key issue.

  • Overview
  • Gather
  • Shape
  • Build
  • Engage
Inuit Art Foundation's website's hand drawn wireframe
Inuit Art Foundation website's Information Architecture
Hand drawn wireframe and information Architecture for Inuit Art Foundation's website


Project success would ultimately depend on artists taking part and contributing.
We created interactive mock-ups and proto-types for the IAF to circulate among artists in the north. Their feedback helped us determine which fields should be public or private, which should be configurable and which should framed to accommodate special sensitivities.

  • Overview
  • Gather
  • Shape
  • Build
  • Engage
Inuit Art Foundation's website mockup
Inuit Art Foundation's website mockups


The community now has a new home base.
We provided the IAF and their constituents with a central repository of information on Inuit artists across Canada. Our solution met the overriding goal of offering access in communities where bandwidths are extremely low, even while maintaining a high standard of visual design. An intuitive interface allows artists to edit their profiles and users to suggest improvements.

  • Overview
  • Gather
  • Shape
  • Build
  • Engage
Inuit Art Foundation's website displayed on a mobile
Inuit Art Foundation's website displayed on a tablet
Inuit Art Foundation's website displayed on a tablet


“Engagement statistics have been very, very high.”
“Artists,” the IAF has told us, “have been particularly excited about the way that their work is being presented.” Our database is helping establish professional records essential for attracting interest from museums, collectors and grant-giving bodies. It’s moving Inuit art towards a new state of play.

  • Overview
  • Gather
  • Shape
  • Build
  • Engage