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Build a Persona


Upcoming Workshops

Workshops are *usually* scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. They start at 12pm eastern time and run for 30 minutes.


  • April 17, 2025

    Build a Persona

    +- Expand


    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    How can a fictionalized representation of a user help you improve your digital experience!? Well, if you're already here then you know the answer to that question, but you may want a little refresher on what goes into a good Persona. We'll cover the basics and get practical about:

    • Defining a persona
    • Persona examples and how they help digital professionals (like you)
    • Tools to use for persona building

    Workshop Download

    We'll tell you about the Persona software we use, but we'll aslo give you a fillable template so you can get on your way building personas right away!

  • May 15, 2025

    Build a Journey Map

    +- Expand


    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    What's the difference between a journey map and a user flow? We'll make it clear in this workshop as we outline how journey maps are built and how they can be most useful. Your digital experience will definitely get a boost when you learn:

    • Definition of a Journey Map
    • How to build a Journey Map
    • Tools that can help along the way

    Workshop Download

    We've got an approach and a toolset we'll share with you during the workshop, but we'll also give you a fillable template you can work with to get your next journey map built quickly.

  • June 19, 2025

    Start a Flagship Content Strategy

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    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    Does anyone out there think their digital content is produced in a bit of a haphazard way? In this workshop we'll give you a strategy you can use to keep your content coordinated and heading the same direction. This workshop teaches you what makes a Flagship Content strategy unique and how to know you're doing it right:

    • Flagship Content Defined (and what it is not)
    • Key components
    • How to to build it

    Workshop Download

    The workshop will go through a set of Flagship Content criteria and our download will give you a checklist to reference as you build and implement your own campaign.

  • July 17, 2025

    Effective Content Planning & Governance

    +- Expand


    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    Content is King! (blah, blah, blah)... But content is NOTHING if it isn't done right. That means you've figured out the concepts we're going to discuss in this DX Workshop:

    • Content Formats
    • Content Channels
    • Publishing Resources
    • Content Calendars
    • Govenance / Management Framework

    This probably should be more than one workshop :). Get ready to learn!

    Workshop Download

    The download we'll share in this workshop helps give you and your team visibility into your content ideas and how to best deliver those to your audience.

  • August 21, 2025

    Do Web Accessibility Right

    +- Expand


    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    An accessible website boosts your digital experience in ways that may surprise you. All users will find an accessible website easier to navigate, your site will score better with search engines and more users will find you. Join our workshop to understand how your content and your code need to come together for the best result:

    • Accessibility overview and core concepts
    • Processes and approach for maintaining an accessible website
    • Tips and tricks to optimize for accessibility

    Workshop Download

    Technology and content are always changing and therefore, accessible websites require regular maintenance. We'll give you a handy checklist to use to remember what to watch out for.

  • September 18, 2025

    Personalize Your Digital Experience

    +- Expand


    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    Whether you are building a B2B or a B2C experience, users are all people looking for convenience and easy, quick access to the right information.

    In this workshop, you will learn practical ways to:

    1. Automate user identification
    2. Personalize your content to specific users
    3. Organize your content plan efficiently

    Workshop Download

    This workshop will include a fillable content matrix template to help you stay organized and personalize your experience effectively.

  • October 16, 2025

    Optimize for Search

    +- Expand


    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    Ever have trouble finding something that's right in front of you? We've all had those moments. But let's all make sure that users know exactly how to find your web content.  We'll go over the basics and a few advanced tips so you can be found when you need to be. This workshop will touch on how to optimize for search engines like Google as well as your own built-in search feature on your own site.

    Workshop Download

    We'll share our tip sheet for how to ensure you don't overlook anything when you're optimizing your website for search.

  • November 20, 2025

    Ask Me Anything

    +- Expand


    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    Get the inside scoop with an exclusive "Ask Me Anything" session, featuring curated insights and highlights from the B2B Conference.
  • December 18, 2025

    DX Tool List Bonanza!

    +- Expand


    12:00 PM (Eastern)


    30 minutes




    30 minutes! 30 tools! Hold on to your hats folks, cause it's going to be a ride! We're calling this our DX Tool List Bonanza for a reason. It's going to be wild. It's going to be fun. You'll be talking about it for ages (or at least a few hours). We're going to run down a list of tools that we think you're going to find helpful as you work on your next digital experience project.

    Workshop Download

    You're not going to have time to take notes. This information is going to be coming at you fast and furious. But don't worry - we've got you covered! We'll give you the list, with links of every tool we talk about (and maybe even a few extras).

Previous Workshops

Looking for a previous topic? We've got you covered with the recordings from past workshops.

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